Sunday, November 14, 2010

Health Sector Development Plan Review Meeting held

The ANRS Health Bureau held a three days HSDP review from 10-13 Nov. 2010 at Gondar City Theater. The meeting participated over 700 participants ranging in rank from bureau heads to health extension workers.

   Various stakeholders on the health sector took active part in the three days meeting and while most of the participants are practitioners in the health sector some are also from NGOs, government sector offices and private health care institutions.

     Participants attended a number of presentations that dealt with the regional performances on health related issues for the last five years and next five year plans on health sector development and transformation.

    The meeting was described as productive, motivating and worthwhile as it gave participants opportunities to reflect on past performances and take part in planning the next steps.
     Hon Dr. Asrat, Head of the ANRS Health Bureau and major actor during the three days meeting uncovered his excitement in relation to participants active roles and supportive attitudes pertaining to the meeting.

      Finally, zonal administrators and woreda health bureau heads made promissory signatures showing thier convictions towards realization of the TDP for the next five years.